Isle of Luing Interpretation

A couple of years ago I was commissioned to produce a range of interpretation panels for a remote Scottish Island off Mull. The panels included community engagement and consideration for a sensitive landscape.

This project was funded by Scottish Natural Heritage and a number of smaller bodies. The requirement was to produce 12 panels and 2 bronze panoramas. This project was approached in a very flexible and open manner, in that once I visited the island and got a feel for the place, I was able to hold a public meeting and address the issues raised with an informed opinion.

The project brief has been expanded to allow for the provision of around 14 panels placed onto slate plinths – which have been constructed by the local community using local materials. Alongside these panels will be a set of 12 bronze engraved discs so that children visiting the island can collect a set of rubbings of images such as birds, dolphins, mermaids etc.

The materials I used were GRP produced by BSG Signs in Scotland – I was keen to keep as much of the work in Scotland as possible. The environment was quite a tricky one in that the light is intense on the West Coast as well as the storms being a potential for damage. The panels – 3 years later – are still as vibrant as they were when they were installed.